Slut shaming, non inclusive feminism isn’t feminism

When I first became interested in the stigma towards lone mothers that pervades Britain and the USA (though not the rest of Europe), I was keen to distance lone mothers from so-called ‘sluts’. But saying ‘not all single mums are sluts’ or ‘they might be lone mothers but at least they’re not prostitutes’ is notContinue reading “Slut shaming, non inclusive feminism isn’t feminism”

The slut shaming site: outing and extortion – and it’s all LEGAL is a website where anyone can submit a name, phone number and other details to forever create a record f that person being a prostitute. The site calls sexworkers “offenders” and encourages the general public to “report an offender” so sexworkers will be taught “a lesson”. There is no mention of clients’ roles orContinue reading “The slut shaming site: outing and extortion – and it’s all LEGAL”

The sexual double standard and gender repression

A double standard about sex exists in our society; the rules are different for men and women, with men being praised and envied for their successes. The same is of course true to a certain degree for women, but too much sexual success can result in condemnation of the woman as a ‘slut’ ‘whore’ etc;Continue reading “The sexual double standard and gender repression”

Stigma against single mums: How it all began

How did lone motherhood and young motherhood come to be demonised? Well, I got curious about two years ago and headed to my university library to find out. After months of research, I knew more than I wanted to know. I decided to summarise everything into a blog post, and here is my expose onContinue reading “Stigma against single mums: How it all began”